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Marvi Arredondo Haynes


Practice Overview

I work with individuals, couples, older adolescents, and families.


Working with Individuals:
Depression, anxiety, relationship issues, loss and grief, mid-life crisis, disappointment and stagnation are only a few of the reasons an individual seeks counseling. My therapeutic approach in working with an individual is to explore the meaning of life-altering events and to bring understanding and enduring ways to cope. I focus on strengths in the individual and work in a warm, non-judgmental way that feels safe. My role is to provide empathic listening and support while acting as a guide in removing the barriers and patterns that have developed over a lifetime. I work with many different therapeutic modalities to assure that each person is treated separately and uniquely. My approaches include cognitive, behavioral, psychodynamic, existential, Jungian, strategic, archetypal, and narrative. My goal is to work together to gain the insight necessary to make permanent life changes.


Older Adolescence and FamiliesI specialize in working with older adolescents, their parents and the overall functioning of the family. I use family systems therapy, structural family therapy and strategic family therapy to achieve specific family goals. Treating the whole family is part of a holistic process that encourages all members to be participants in the growth and the positive change that occurs once a constructive structure has been put in place. In addition, I help parents develop imaginative and effective parenting skills that foster an environment of acceptance and positive communication between themselves and their teen. The role of a parent does not stay stagnant but changes and evolves while the child is doing the same. I help parents understand how this growth enhances a deeper connection between themselves and their child to improve the overall function of the family.

Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist
Licensed Professional Counselor

Additional office location:


Burnet, Texas 78611

512-231-0164 for appointment

Relationships can be rich and rewarding. Unfortunately, relationships can also become a holding tank for past transgression, resentments and bad patterns of communication and behavior. My goal in working with couples is to begin by setting agreed upon goals and then challenging the couple to change negative cycles of communication that will help interrupt defensive reactions. I explore the significant early-life issues each partner brings into the relationship and then projects onto each other. I facilitate couples in learning new skills that create richer ways of relating to one another. Although it is easy for a couple to be caught up in each other’s weaknesses, I work to help couples develop resilience by building on their talents and strengths.


Areas of Speciality

For Individuals
– Depression/Anxiety
– Difficult Transitions
– Loss of Meaning and Purpose
– Relationships
– Mid-Life Crisis
– Loss and Grief
– Spirituality


Older Adolescents & Young Adults
– Difficulty Launching After College
– Finding Passion/Developing Talent
– Parental Conflict/Relationship Conflict
– Identity/Self-Acceptance
– Risky Behavior
– Issues of “Emerging Adults”


For Families
– Couples Counseling
– Parenting
– Parenting Through and After Divorce
– Single-Parent Households
– Launching Young Adults
– Pre-marital Counseling
– Crisis Intervention
– Empty Nest


I am a provider for Blue Cross Blue Shield, Humana and Aetna. In addition, your insurance company may also provide out of network benefits.


Professional Background

My Background
My formal work in the mental health field began in the Northeast, where I lived for 17 years. I worked with teens battling addiction in treatment homes and with adolescents suffering from schizophrenia and bipolar disorder in residential homes. I was the founding member of the Women’s Crisis Center Outreach Program of Greater Newburyport, Massachusetts, counseling teens experiencing dating violence, rape and negative self- image issues. I have presented numerous workshops on these topics as well as trainings and workshops on conscious parenting. I also have experience in counseling women suffering from physical and emotional abuse.
I am a native of the Rio Grande Valley in South Texas. I graduated from Southwestern University with a Bachelor of Arts in English and Theatre. I have been a high school teacher and an educational curriculum editor for high school. I received my Master’s degree from St. Edward’s University in Austin and am certified as a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and a Licensed Professional Counselor.


– EMDR Trained
– Clinical supervision and training at Capitol Area Mental Health Center in Austin
– Experience and training in Group Therapy
– Extensive experience in working with high school and college age students
– Certified in Prepare and Enrich couples counseling
– Trained in Trauma First Aid
– Extensive training and experience working with victims of domestic abuse
– Gottman Level One Training
– Facilitator in workshops and trainings on parenting skills

I am a member of Texas Counseling Association (, the Texas Association for Marriage and Family Therapist (, the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy (

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